Podiatry is a specialist health field that deals with assessment, diagnosis, treatment and management of conditions within the foot and lower limb
A fully qualified podiatrist will have completed at a minimum a 4 year Bachelor degree in Applied Science Podiatry.
Podiatrist’s are conservative therapists and are an important part of the health care team connecting you to reaching your goals.
Feet make up almost 1/5th of the bones in your body and with countless joints, muscles, tendons, nerves and blood vessels it makes sense that there needs to be a whole profession focused around these very interesting and intricate body parts!
Our podiatrists have a strong focus on the mechanics of the feet and body and can treat and assist in a range of issues and conditions including;
- Plantar heel pain/ plantar fasciosis
- Medial tibial stress syndrome/ shin splints
- Tibialis posterior dysfunctions
- Ankle sprains, strains and pain
- Footwear management
- Forefoot pain
- Stress fractures
- Bursitis
- Neuromas
- Arch pain
- Pre and post surgery management
- Hallux Valgus/ Bunions
- Children’s feet and gait assessment – assisting in development of walking and motor skills
- Running technique and efficiency
- Hammer toes
- Arthritic foot pain
However we are also very well practiced in all the traditional areas of podiatry including:
- Diabetic foot care
- Skin and nail conditions
- Fungal toenail management
- Plantar warts
- Corns and callus
- Ingrowing toe nails
Podiatrist’s generally have a very strong referral network and team approach to your health. We work closely with Osteopaths, Physiotherapists, EP’s and other health professionals to ensure the body is being looked after as a unit. When we focus on what we are great at and get those around us involved to do what they are great at, we find people respond more quickly and getting better long term outcomes.
For this very reason we are often involved in the management of more proximal (higher up the body) issues such as;
- Knee and patella pathologies
- ITB friction syndrome
- Lower back pain
- Hip pain
Our Podiatry team uses clinical experience as well as progressive analysis and treatment technology to ensure we have the best outcomes such as:
- Video gait analysis
- Laser scanned orthotic devices
- 3D pressure gait analysis
- ESWT – shockwave therapy
- Doppler ultrasound
Your Podiatry appointments will consist of:
- Listening – we need to know not only about your problem but about you and your life, your activities, your stresses and your goals – this helps us to figure out firstly how your problem developed but also what is the bet plan to get you back to reaching your goals.
- Accurate diagnosis – we may need to refer you for diagnostic imaging (x-ray, ultrasound, MRI, pathology)
- Assessing and addressing the causative factors – we settle your pain but if we don’t address why it happened these improvements can be short lived
- A specific management plan – which will confirm your treatment goals, diagnosis, timeframe and management.
- We will be there to help guide you, assisting you to reach your goals is what we love to do!
You could also bring a few things to your appointment:
- Footwear – work, exercise, casual, slippers, thongs… they all help us guide an insight into your story
- Orthotic devices –current or previous devices – all are welcome!
- Previous results – imaging or other results
- Referral – a referral is not required to see our Podiatrists. Though if you have one, please bring it along.
- Clothing – we will get you to do some walking/activity as part of your assessment. Dress appropriately if possible.
- Medicare card, health insurance card – where applicable we can process your rebate at our clinics.

28 Pin Oak Crescent
Flemington 3031
MON: 11am – 7:30pm
TUES: 8am – 3pm
WED: 8am – 7pm
THURS: 10am – 6pm
FRI: 8am – 4pm
SAT: 8am – 1pm*
(*clinic closed every 2nd Saturday)

489 Macaulay Rd
Kensington 3031
MON: 9am – 7:30pm
TUES: 7am – 7:30pm (*Reception from 8:30am)
WED: 7am – 7:30pm (*Reception from 8:30am)
THURS: 7am – 7:30pm (*Reception from 8:30am)
FRI: 7am – 1:30pm (*Reception from 8:30am)
SAT: 7:30am – 1:30pm (*Reception from 8:30am)
*Clinical Pilates classes from 7am, through to 7pm weekdays, and Saturday mornings. For further info speak to reception.
We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this land the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation, on which Connect Health + Movement clinics are based. We pay our respect to their elders past, present and emerging.

We service the inner west and northern suburb area’s of Melbourne including Ascot Vale, Essendon, Kensington, Flemington, Footscray, Moonee Ponds, North Melbourne, Seddon and Yarraville.